To run MEGAN3.2 you will need input data (landcover and environmental conditions) and code (preprocessor, emission factor processor, emission calculator and chemical mechanism mapper). Each of these are described below:
To run MEGAN3.2 you will need input data (landcover and environmental conditions) and code (preprocessor, emission factor processor, emission calculator and chemical mechanism mapper). Each of these are described below:
Geogridded input data (for the preprocessor Fortran code)
Geogridded input data (for the preprocessor Fortran code)
Use the preprocessor to regrid these data to your model domain
Use the preprocessor to regrid these data to your model domain
1. Landcover
1. Landcover
Leaf Area Index of vegetation covered surfaces: LAIdata
Growth form and ecotypes: GFecotypedata
2. Soil nitrogen emission module inputs
2. Soil nitrogen emission module inputs
Soil NO model inputs (Global)
3. Physical weather
3. Physical weather
Emission Factor Processor (Python code)
Emission Factor Processor (Python code)
MEGAN3.21 Emission Factor Processor. This code integrates geogridded growth form and ecotype data (can be output from the FORTRAN preprocessor or generated using a GIS program or manually) with plant species composition and species-specific emission factor data to generate landscape average emission factors for a model domain. Download the Emission Factor Processor python code and input files.
Preprocessor, emission calculator and mechanism mapper (Fortran code)
Preprocessor, emission calculator and mechanism mapper (Fortran code)
Use the Preprocessor code to regrid input data to your domain, calculate biogenic emissions, and map the emissions to various chemical schemes.
Download the Preprocessor code
Download the calculator and mechanism mapper code